Okay, I know you all are getting just a little sick of my videos but this just made my Monday morning. I just don't like Mondays. I get a case of the Mondays. But if their wasn't such a thing as Mondays, it would be the Tuesdays. We got hit with some snow again this weekend. It wasn't too bad. I can't wait for the spring. I want to start my garden up again. I am dying to plant some peppers this year. I could eat peppers every day, red, green, yellow, orange. There is nothing like going into your backyard and making a meal with something that you grew. I have always wanted to learn how to can as well. I remember as a little girl going into my grandmother's backyard and picking apples with her and my cousins. We would fill big buckets full of green apples, and take bites out of them fresh from the tree. Then she would make her world famous apple butter (canning it). Mmmmm.... I can still taste it.
If you have never had apple butter, you can buy it at the grocery. Then you need to make an apple butter sandwich. Butter your bread like you would a grilled cheese sandwich, but instead of the cheese in the middle put apple butter, a good amount, and grill it up just like a grilled cheese. Oh I wish I had some now. I will have to get that now later at the grocery. I have no idea why I just told you about apple butter sandwichs, but I think I need some warm weather to come my way. I have been thinking about all the things I want to do once warm weather appears, such as camping, gardening, feeding the ducks, garage sales, and even cutting the grass ( I like that too). What things do you like to do in warm weather?
I love spring and summer, i can't wait...especially as the car boots start again at Easter :) i love having picnics, going for walks by the river, eating our supper outside with the candles lit xx
ReplyDeleteI loved those sandwhiches. Especially with some potato chips! Brings back many memories!