Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday: See, Hear, Taste

Weekend's seem to have been chocked full of things lately. I suppose that's what summer is for. We have moped rallies and visiting family in the works. I am really wanting to do some dollhouse work on Sunday. This week has whizzed by.
I wanted to share some things that caught my fancy this week.

Have you seen "Dear Photograph" before, it's quite amazing!

Have you heard the whole food's rap. It gets stuck in my head.

This recipe for chocolate cake really took the cake! It was delicous!

I love this print by "NanLawson" called the "Brainstormer."

On flickr this week my friend Susan was sharing her new found interest in friendshop bracelets. I made so many as a girl. It sounds like something that would be fun on a summers day. The designs are quite crazy!

found via weheartit

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. oooo. thanks for the link to Dear Photograph. So neat and sad and happy at the same time! Have a great weekend!
