Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Hate Digital Scales....

My husband recently decided we needed to update our scale. He has recently lost some weight and he wanted to go digital. I hate digital. You wanna know why. The good ole' fashion one made me weigh less. Stupid Technology! ;)

An awesome blogger Estelle from Curbside Style nominated me for a Leibster Award. It really made my day. The LBA award aims to spread the word about great blogs with less than 300 followers. Made me smile.

I got a mini in the mail today that I have been wanting forever. It's from the
Re-ment Candy shop series. Ring Pop!

It comes with a bunch of other fun pieces, but this one was my fave. And I even happened to have a ring pop in the cabinet.

Recently one of my favorite miniature enthusiast, collector of miniatures, bloggers "Call of the Small". was featured in "Ladies Home Journal"
with her amazing miniatures. They did an article about decluttering your space. It was a great article. The best part was the use of miniatures that they used to represent the real things. I had to have the magazine, so I picked it up at the grocery the other night.

We had sunshine today. What a difference that can make on my attitude. I opened up the back door and got some fresh air in. I had to let all the germs escape.
Tonight I plan on watching "Sketches of Frank Gehry." He is an architectural genius.

Have a great day!!!

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