Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Came Early....And Other Random Fun Things

A sweet and most awesome flickr friend heard my distressing cry that I just "had to have" the miniature Sylvanian Families. She so sweetly was able to get me a set! I can't even tell you the child-like joy that came over me when she told me she could get one for me! I did a little photo shoot with my "Danbo" this morning.

And she sent a Re-ment cockateil with the most adorable bowl! Danbo loves it!

My son is quite the little artist, and I just had to share a picture he drew based on one of his Arthur books. I love the mouse teacher!

Seriously check out this video, if you get bored , forward to the end, its worth it.
If you like that type of thing. I do ;)

I was up super duper late working last night. I'm off to sit and watch a movie with the kids and have some fun putting up some more Christmas decorations for the house.
Have a great Wednesday!


  1. we heart Sylvanian Families in our house too. The only problem I've found is that once Ada takes their clothes off I can't get them back on.
    Danbo is a fine looking fellow, did you make him?

  2. Hi Estelle! Yes I plan on gettng my girls some of the bigger ones for Christmas too. I will keep the clothing in mind. Danbo is actually a Japanese comic book character. She is a little collectable. Funny though that it is a bunch of boxes ;)

  3. Sylvanian Families really takes me back to my younger days :) I think when my little sister gets a bit older (and a bit less destructive) I will start to buy her bits and pieces from the collection and a cute little house for them. Right now, I can see her wanting to eat them or paint them rather than appreciating them for what they are! :p Hope you have a super lovely day miss xx
